Saturday, March 15, 2014

you mean thing

     Something that MS is really good at doing is screwing me over. For the past few weeks, I've felt like I had a sinus infection or allergies. So I brushed it off as just that and nothing to really complain about. Then cold things started to hurt. That's when I started thinking that maybe I should break down and take my temp. And there it was, 102.9... I was mad. I had already made plans for that night and they were done for.

Then, last night I finally broke down and sent a text to my sister-in-law that is a nurse, for tips on how to get rid of this fever that has had me house bound for 2 days. I did what she said and thought that, since I was feeling better today and had already been stuck inside for 2 and a half days, it would be alright for me to go out with my boys.

We did. We went to the mall, the Dollar Tree (LOVE that place) and out for dinner. Then, we get home, put the boys in bed and I stupidly thought, "Maybe I'll see how low my temp is now..." Should have just left it on the counter. My fever was still there, not has high, but still there. I had to make phone calls to reorganize things for tomorrow, that I'm going to miss, and it throws off my plan of going to the gym to get this stupid cold out of me. My coughing and sniffling is giving me a headache and I just want to curl up in bed next to the husband and not go anywhere.

       So what does MS have to do with any of this? EVERYTHING. MS (for me anyways) has always taken some harmless little illness I may have and blow it up into this huge thing that keeps me down. I'm really not one for being force to stay down at all, ask my husband or parents sometime... Ask them about my spinal tap, mono, having baby #1, being pregnant with either of the boys, or anytime I've been sick. I just don't like to stay still for very long.

       After I had baby #1, I noticed that anytime the temperature (yes I can spell that word and don't always use temp) my wrist would start hurting. They didn't just have an ache to them, they hurt so bad I had a hard time picking up my new born baby. Which was kind of bad because, of course, this didn't start being a problem until after I let my husband go back to work (I'm a needy wife.)

So, of course, now that I'm sick and even have a fever, what happens? My right wrist is killing me! It started on Wednesday, but I didn't think much of it because I saw that it was supposed to snow, but now that it's supposed to snow, yet again, (after a couple nice days in the 60's) my wrist is killing me even more. I asked my neurologist about it a few months after I first noticed it. He started to brush it off and blame my cell phone for it. Then, I told him that it only seems to happen when the temperature changes. That's when he acted as if I had said that magic word. He nodded and said, "that sounds more like it's MS related."

      Well, thanks for reading my rant. I will now get off my soap box and go do my shot. I'll post a picture of the shot I did on my leg a few nights ago. I forgot that they sometimes bruise.

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