Monday, March 31, 2014

how my shot ruined my body

When I was 17 and heard I was going to need to do a shot everyday for the rest of my life (unless trying to get pregnant, pregnant or nursing), they never told me all of the side effects. Sure they told me it would hurt, but not too much. They even told me I needed to rotate to seven different areas because it takes that long for the injection site to heal from the shot.

The big thing they didn't tell me what about atrophy. I was really good about sticking to my injection site and even have proof to show someone if they wish to see it... Yet, on all seven injection areas I have atrophy. I first started noticing it about 2 years after I started, and now I have to call either my sister-in-law (who's a nurse) or one of my sisters (she has RA and has to do shots too) to find a good place to do my shot (that won't make the atrophy any worse than it already is.)

Where are these sites? Both arms, both hips, both thighs, and below by belly button. So now, if you go and look at some of the pictures on my other blog about all the clothes I have, you'll see that it looks like I'm having some muffin top issues going on. I wish I was, because then there would be a way to fix it. That's actually where you can see some of what's going on.

Yes, I know there are commercials for pills for the type of MS that I have and I've been begging my doctor to put me on one. He then starts listing off why it's not the best fit for me, like the whole having to stay in a hospital for 48 hours under observation (I have two small boys and live about an hour and a half from my neurologists office), messes with the heart (both my grandpa's had heart problems), messes with the lungs (had a virus when I was 2 that made those not so wonderful), and he doesn't think there has been enough research on them.

Now, there are 3 other kinds of shots I could do (that you only have to do once a week), but their major side effect is depression. And since I haven't had a full blown attack from my MS for so long and I'm not depressed, my doctor would rather keep me on the same thing I've been once for more than 10 years.

Keeps me modest though. I don't wear short shorts, bikini's, tank tops without a shirt over them and no short shirts showing my belly. But since I'm a mother of two boys and my husband likes my t-shirts, I don't really feel the need to be all that girly anyways.

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