Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Alright, for this post to make sense and to understand the full extent of why, I not only need to vent, but I have to start so far back.

After I had our oldest son, I did drop back down to my pre-pregnancy weight pretty quickly, but still wasn't all that close to where I wanted to be. About 10 months, later we were pregnant again with our second son. 

I've been pregnant 5 times and his was, by far, the hardest. While I did throw up the entire time of 4 of my pregnancies (I miscarried one), his was the worst. I wish I was exaggerating and being over dramatic, but I'm not. While I was pregnant with him, I was on two different types of anti-nausea drugs that really didn't seems to do anything because I was still throwing up. I ended up going to the doctor's office to get IV fluids pumped in me because I was so dehydrated and I even lost weight. Not just a few lbs, but I my weight even dropped down to what it was in college when I was working out 4+ days a week. 

(Moving on to help make this shorter...) Baby 2 decided to come a few weeks early (born at 37 weeks) and ended up staying a few days in the NICU because he had a couple issues. His lungs were underdeveloped and was jaundiced. He did seem to improve quickly and was able to leave the hospital when I did, and just needed some extra sunlight to fix the jaundice. 

He was a little small, so we took him in for weight checks, but that wasn't too big of a deal. But after 6 weeks, he was still losing weight, so I stopped nursing him and put him on only formula. He slowly started to gain weight, but was still on the small end of all his weight charts. 

Then a couple other things started that made us call up his doctor. His eyes would start fluttering and his head looked slightly misshapen. 

(This is getting long and his health history is even longer so I'll try to shorten this and catch up to now a little quicker.) Ended up, the poor guy needed physical therapy, a helmet (to help shape his head as he grew), 2 MRI's, and lots of other tests. 

Now, we'll fast forward to about almost 2 years ago. The poor guy is still in physical therapy, also  occupational and speech therapies now. We also find out he's autistic. 

We were given a ton of information with a lot of names and numbers of doctors and places that offer support and more therapy. We misunderstood the one about the major therapy they said would work best for him (ABA therapy) and dragged our feet about getting him in because money was tight. We thought they said it would take a year for him to get into one and it's about a 20 minute drive to the nearest town that had it. 

About 6 months or so after that, I finally called one to get things started. By this time, I was pregnant for the 5th time with our 4th child. He ended up getting right in and progressing very quickly. Just, now, he was gone to ABA therapy Monday, Tuesday, Thursday's and Friday from 9 am - 5 pm and Wednesday from 12:30 - 5 pm. And has been on that schedule now for just about a year. 

This year, insurance and health companies have decided to mix things up and make it even harder to pay for this by not covering as much. ABA therapy was already costing us $100 a week and so we decided to see if there was any way to get some help with all the medical bills that keep showing up in our mail. 

After months of paperwork, and some pride hurting, we found a second insurance we qualified for and a 3rd that our second son did because of all his diagnoses. 

I spent most of yesterday and today making sure all the places he goes to had all the new insurance information so that we might be able cut back on some of the bills. 

Then, today, when I went in for his ABA therapy to photocopy some of his paperwork with all the information they "needed" for it, they tell me that neither of the new insurances that we got for him could be billed through their company. 

Insert angry faces here. 

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