Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Started a new medicine on march first and I think I might have finally figured out when the best time to take it is.

Updates and pictures coming soon, been super busy and stressed out.

Monday, February 26, 2018

My weekend of stress

On Friday morning, everything was finally set up and scheduled to start my new medicine. Then, all the reality of it started sinking in. All the side effects started coming to mind, all of the reasons my neurologist didn’t start with this medicine cane to mind, how long and dramatic the process of the first day on the medicine will be, what my kids might start thinking while it’s going on, how much will it screw then up in life having to see their mom go through this and many more. Sooo many thoughts that really weren’t doing much of anything other than stressing me out and in return, ruining my kids weekend. So finally, on Saturday and after nap time, I made my husband help me load up the kids and we went to the mall.

In front of Target there is a play area. It’s not huge and far from fancy, but all 4 kids loved it! They got to run around, be around other kids and even got knocked over more than a few times. They’d cry, but usually before my husband or I could even help them up, they got up and started running around a again. So I felt like Saturday was saved and not a complete waste.

Then Sunday morning cane and it was just not fun. We already knew we weren’t going to church. It was a special Sunday thing and we knew our kids would have made it far from fun or even worth it, so we were kind of just planning on staying home and maybe having 2 nap/quiet/play in your room times. We didn’t even make it to 8:30 an before I was stressed out.

One of my Uncle’s is going through some health issues and has been in hospital since Thursday, my kids always fight over a toy one of them has (who’s kids don’t do this) and I was once again stressing about the new meds. So I decided that we needed a day away from everything and still be together as a family. So, much to my husbands disappointment, we loaded all the kids up and drove to the zoo.

Thankfully, it was well worth it! They didn't have all the animals out, but the ones that were out, were a lot of fun to see! The kids got to spend the day walking, running and screaming out in the fresh air and had a blast. Although the dolphins soaked us at the dolphin show, even my autistic son loved it! The only thing the kids didn't like, was that I was mean and packed lunches (the membership cost enough without having to add on zoo food prices every time we go).

Friday, February 23, 2018

I’ve known I have MS since 2002 and sonde knowing and learning about it, I’ve usually been taking something for it. When I found out I was going to switch medicines again, I didn’t refill the one I was on. I ran out about 2 months ago and I’ll start the new one next week. 

Now the reason for this post now is because of what’s been happening since I stop taking anything for my MS (*disclosure* I’m not a doctor or nurse, I am only writing about my own personal observations). 

Since I ran out of my medicine, I have noticed fewer issues. My arms haven’t felt numb as often, my left ankle hasn’t been giving me as many issues (haven’t worn any heels above 3” because I’m 5’10 and that’s a long fall). 

I also stopped taking a pill that my neurologist gave me to help me sleep. I also stopped taking that after I ran out of my MS meds. I’ve felt like I have more energy, I’m not as short tempered, I’m not craving a nap, I don’t feel as clouded as I did and I’ve been able to remember more things. 

Now for the weird part that I honestly can’t point to one thing to say what’s doing it. 
I’ve lost weight. I know I post about working out and running after my kids, but I didn’t really ever lose much weight and I’ve been working out a lot less than I was. People have even told me that I look amazing and that I look like I’ve lost a lot of weight. Then they ask how I did it. 

I don’t know. I don’t know how I did it or why it’s happened. I could have a tape worm, all the steroids that I’ve had to take within the past couple years could finally be out of my system, it could have been the MS meds holding onto everything, it could have been a huge stress factor in my life that finally came to a head (not going to go into detail about because this blog is about MS). But I honestly don’t know. 

I will post pictures and updates about the new meds next week though! 

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Sorry it’s been so long. Once the app stopped working, I became lazy and was  only posting on a Facebook page I set up to go along with this blog.
I’ll post updates on all the drama that was 2017 and what has been going on so far in 2018