Friday, August 15, 2014

So how do I get down from here?

So, this is going to be mostly venting. My personal life experience with MS has been pretty tame so far, but then again I'm also only 29 and have only been diagnosed since I was 17 years old. While I'm pregnant (like I am now) my MS is "supposed" to be pretty much suppressed and not doing anything and I don't have to do my shot. Well, not always the case it seems. Some days it's hard to life one arm or the other and sometimes it's one of my legs that has decided to act a bit strange. But! That's not what I'm wanting to vent about. It's about one of my friends. 

With MS it is more likely to have it of you live on a colder climate, are female and of African decent. This friend of mine is "lucky enough" to have all three of those things. So while I've had one huge attack with MS that I can speak of, she has had a heck of a lot more happen to her. She has been paralyzed from her neck down and had to learn to use all those muscles again. Surgeries on at least one of her shoulders because the muscle tissue had died. And now she lives in a place that's honestly putting her through hell. 

To help prevent an attack and treat one, doctors give people with MS steroids to counteract things. Yay right? Wrong. I has to take some once and gained 10 pounds on one week while only having to take them for two. Not only was I upset about the weight gain, but it too a full year to work off those 10 pounds from the steroids. 

Why did I mention that when I'm talking about my friend? Because she's had to be on steroids a lot more than just once. She now has a wheel chair to get around in because her MS likes to pop up a lot more often than mine has. Granted she is a bit older than me, she still has to use a wheel chair before she's even 50 years old. 

She recently got divorced and had to move to a new apartment. When she first moved in she was told that they would put a ramp in for her to be able to get to and from her car and apartment. At least a year later she still has to ask someone (usually one of her girls if they're with her that week) to grab her chair while she uses a cane to help her walk down the 5 or 6 steps to her car because the "awesome" place she lives is on a hill. 

Lately she's been working with a lawyer to either help get a ramp put in or help her out of her lease, but that lawyer has taken some time off because their daughter is going to have or has had a baby. I'm sorry but I thought that if you had a client that needs help, you would at least get someone to fill in while you go spend time with your family. 

Things have been so hard for my friend that she is about ready to give up custody of her two girls and move to another state so that they won't have to deal with their mom living like this. While I don't agree that her girls shouldn't have to help clean up or keep the apartment clean, she doesn't want to make them do everything. But I think there has to be a way to help things move along faster like putting in a ramp and yes him her girls to clean up. Just seems like giving up is the wrong way to go about this. 

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