Saturday, June 28, 2014

Breaks over

Sorry it's been so long since I put anything up on here! Between visiting family and making sure baby #3 doesn't end up like pregnancy #3 (I miscarried last summer), I was keeping this as stress free as I could. Found out with two little ones already at home and occasional blessing, it's not all that easy to do.

Then the weather changed on me. When I left to go visit some of my family for a few weeks, the weather where I live was somewhat cold and humid. Where my family lives it was VERY dry and pretty warm. I did happen to time it in a way that, when I came back, the temps weren't all that different from each other, but I did forget how much humidity plays a difference in what the temperature feels like. All I could think about the whole way home from the airport (other than what happened on that last flight that I'll get into later) was how sticky I felt. Also, my family lives at 4500 feet elevation. So, when just going for a short walk, I kept asking if there was a way to get some more air for me to breathe. 

Ok so, I think you might be wondering what happened on that second flight. Nothing all that fun. First you have to understand that my husband couldn't go with me. It had been so long since I had seen ANY of my family that I didn't care. I packed up my two kids (both under 4 by the way) and flew out to the west coast. That's a three hour time difference. Also, why I stayed so long. To kind of reset their time a little bit before going back. And am I ever grateful that I did, because it did work. Only thing wrong was that our flight didn't land until 12:30 at night local time. 

Anyways. We board the second flight, and since I've had a handicap placard since I was 19, I get to be one of the first people to board. Just this was a connecting flight, so there were already people on the plane. We ended up having to sit one row from where I usually like to sit, but I figured oh well. Most of the flight went smoothly. Baby #2 slept for the first hour or so and baby #1 for almost as long. When they woke up, we already had snacks and drinks waiting.

Then the longest part happened, 45 minutes before we land, and the guy sitting in the row in front of us (but not the seat in front of us) turns around to me and says "you better get things under control because I've about had enough".  He wasn't turned enough to see my face of "uh huh" or I think my cute little Irish temper would have come out a lot more than it did. From then on, I told baby #1 that he couldn't argue with me because someone else had already ticked me off and I couldn't wait to see his daddy, and then mostly read the books I'd brought for them until we landed.

The rude guy was the first off the plane, and I had to wait for a stroller. The guy that sat in the row across from me stopped to talk to me while I waited. He told me that he was amazed at how well behaved my kids were, and he would know because he has grandkids. Also, that everyone around me was just waiting for the jerk to say one more thing to me so they could get him. 

After getting the stroller and meeting up with my husband, we went down to baggage. I told him all about the flight on the way down. I figured it had been long enough the jerk was probably gone already, but there he was, waiting for his stuff. So I got to point him out for my hubby to see. The jerk couldn't seem to stop glancing my way, but then again, I guess he probably didn't think my husband was 6'3 and arms more than twice the size of his. I have to say, even though they lost one of my suit cases (I did get it back the next day), it was a huge relief to know that I not only had a husband to meet me at the airport, but also the support of so many strangers on a plane ready to defend a mother with two small children traveling in the middle of the night. 

As someone who is truly a pro at stressing, I can always remember there are people out there that will help. 

Ok, on to the second part of why it's taken so long to write. The bleeding. When I was about 8 weeks pregnant, my husband forgot to turn his alarm off. It was a Sunday morning and he usually gets up at 5 am for work. So I woke up and went potty. Only thing was, this time there was a lot of blood. I panicked. All the thoughts I had of last summer and miscarrying came flooding back. I called for my husband to come see and he just kind of nodded and waited for me to come back to bed. I called the on call doctor (mostly expecting to be told to wait it out and see what happens). They said to head to the ER. My husband called his parents, they came over to keep an eye on the boys while we snuck off to the hospital.

Long 5 hours, a very strong pain killer (I had never heard of and with side effects I didn't like), an ultra sound, blood work, and pregnancy test later, they sent me home. Just on bed rest until further notice.

Even longer story short (sorry it's almost 10 and I'm starting to get sleepy), the next Saturday, the same thing happened. Alarm went off when it wasn't supposed to, I was bleeding again but didn't have to go the hospital. Just stay low, don't lift anything and stay in bed. Bleeding stopped by lunch. Then Wednesday came, and it happened again. Only this time, the office was open and my husband was already at work when I started bleeding. So I got an appointment, husband left work to go with me, and bleeding had pretty much stopped by the time we left the doctor. 

I just recently started going back to the gym. The baby looks and sounds great. And I'm still planning on doing the bike MS in Seattle this September. Only, not for nearly as long as I was planning, unless things are going really well.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm a new reader to your blog. I can't believe how rude some people can be! As if the flight wasn't stressful enough without that guy's dumb comment!
