Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Change of plans

So I was training and even talked my husband into letting me join a gym to do the bike MS in Seattle with one of my brothers. Was only doing it for about a year when I found out the week before it was time to go that flying standby to get there was going to be more than a little hard. I had also talked my husband into going with me since I don't really make it out to the west coast very often to visit my family. So it was going to be all four of us flying. That's not all the drama though. While I was training, I found out I was pregnant. I was going to do it anyways, I kept training and even had an ok from my doctors, but then my brother who I was going to do the ride with decided to go and have surgery. Knocked the distance down a bit, but I was still up for it. The night before I left I was texting my friend who worked for the airline I would be flying on and skyping with my brother deciding if waiting till the last flight of the day to only maybe make it on was worth it. We decided it wasn't with two young children and a husband that already felt bad for taking time off work to go play. So we went to California instead to visit my parents. 

I felt bad for all the money I had spent on training and everything I bought just for training just to switch things up at the end. 

The pic is of my husband and youngest son on the second plane to my parents. I also thought that to make it up, I would not only take my husband to see places I used to play at when I was little but also try and get some exercise while I was there. 

My MS on the other hand seemed to think I must have been changing climates, elevation and stressing too much because the first few days I was there it decided to remind me that I still very much have it. From my left elbow down went numb and my right arm felt heavy. Always a fun thing to have happen when you have two small children and a mom that was already stressing about me still throwing up half way through my second trimester. But me being the stubborn Irish girl I am decided that it would probably be best to just ignore what was going on with my arms and have fun anyways. So my parents and I took my husband and boys to a nice look out. 

And then we went on to hike through an old lava tube. 

After getting to the other side we missed a turn and ended up hiking a little on the pacific crest trail. 
If you're wondering why it's black and white it's because my boys had my phone and played around with the camera. 

The next day or two I decided to do a little more hiking and face my fear if heights a little bit by talking my dad into driving us up a mountain to hike up to yet another look out. 

We went for short walks every day and really wasn't the same as the bike MS but I figured with my MS reminding me it was still around and all the extra walking I did was good enough.